Sure, responsibilities exist in the form of school or household chores, but for the most part, they aren't at risk of reaching a point where they feel completely stagnant in their lives.
For children, every day is a new opportunity, and the world is full of mysteries that they have yet to explore. But while most skeletons of his age would go out and buy a new hearse or finally have that steamy affair with the rag doll next door, Jack throws himself into a new obsession, assuming responsibilities that no one has asked him to take on and making a whole lot of mess for his entire town, as well as Christmastown and the world of humans. He feels bored with his lot in life, bogged down by too much responsibility. He's been the Pumpkin King for far too long and sees himself stuck in a rut. Okay, it's time to just come out and say it - Jack is having a midlife crisis in The Nightmare Before Christmas. But it's interesting to notice that in this town where the dreams of childhood Halloween reign supreme, the most feared monster lives in a grown-up world with high stakes that serve only himself. The scenes in Oogie Boogie's lair are some of the most fun, and Ken Page's performance as the boogeyman is stellar. Nor would they gain much insight when Oogie bangs on the table to reset the dice to read 11, a much more desirable roll in this context. When Oogie rolls the dice and announces "Snake eyes!" it's probably safe to say that the kids watching might expect this to be a reference to the tiny twin snakes slithering around Oogie's lair, and not what that roll means from a gambling perspective. This is, of course, Oogie Boogie's entire focus, and once Santa Claus (Ed Ivory) is brought into his domain, the references to slot machines, craps games, and roulette abound. Much like politics, most child viewers of The Nightmare Before Christmas probably don't have much first-hand experience with gambling and casinos. One hopes that this imbalance in the new lovers' sense of responsibility to each other irons itself out - for Sally's sake. Because this is ostensibly a children's movie, Jack and Sally get together in the end, and it appears as though Jack has begun to understand how his actions (and inactions) have consequences. Sally struggles with feeling acceptance and joy in her life in Halloweentown in much the same way Jack does, but her solution is to try to make connections and help people instead of wandering off and leaving her responsibilities behind. Sally's sweet nature and desire to do good are so admirable, and it is a pity in some ways that Jack has to be the one to save the day, because she clearly knew better than him from the very beginning. Obviously children recognize a romance budding here, but it takes an experienced heart to notice that Sally's giving way more than she should for a guy who's so wrapped up in his own problems.

Throughout The Nightmare Before Christmas, viewers are subjected to a mostly one-sided romance in which Sally (Catherine O'Hara), in an endless effort to prove herself to Jack (Chris Sarandon), is continually subjected to his oblivious nature and one-track mind.